Instant dermatology advice within 24 hours.What is QuickDermAdvice?
QuickDermAdvice offers instant dermatology advice within 24 hours for just £50.
Do not rely on automated algorithms to diagnose your skin condition. For all the benefits of technology, self-diagnosing can be stressful and misleading.
Getting the exact diagnosis is important but what is more important is getting timely and correct advice about whether you need to see a doctor and how quickly you should see a dermatologist or GP.
QuickDermAdvice bridges the gap between an internet search and an in-person dermatologist consultation.
Get professional advice about your skin condition and concerns from the convenience of your home.
Have a question?
If you have a question or would like to talk to someone please get in touch with us:
Phone: +44 7435 054 915
Email: sbmedicaladmin@icloud.com

Getting the specialist advice you need has never been simpler.
Use this service to get a second opinion.
Whether you have an unusual rash, spots, itching, concerns about hair loss or skin cancer. Do not stress yourself waiting. Get a quick answer and peace of mind.
The service available 24/7.

Second Opinion
Quick Specialist Advice

Dermatological Emergencies
Medicolegal Advice
Substitute for Consultation with a Doctor

What is the aim of QuickDermAdvice?
QuickDermAdvice service has been set up to provide quick answer to help ease your worry and advise you if further assessment is required or not. Aim is to provide you information for medical guidance.
What are the limitations of QuickDermAdvice?
I am committed to providing the highest quality and safe advice based on the information received but this service is not a substitute for a physical or remote consultation with a doctor or hospital services. To answer your queries, this service is solely dependent on the information provided by you. I will not be examining you physically and thus do not have the benefit of information that would be obtained by examining you in person, observing your physical condition and by going through your complete medical history. To reduce the risk of this limitation, I strongly advise you to be in touch with your GP and share my professional opinion with him/her. The information is also provided as per the information shared by you and within the constraints of online consultation.
Is this service suitable for medico-legal advice
Is this service suitable for dermatological emergencies?
Time Frame
My aim is to respond within 24 hours but sometimes it can take up to 48 hours before you receive my response. The service can be strained due to high demand during some periods. Sometimes there can be technical difficulties which can cause delay that prevents a case from being submitted or reviewed. If you have not received your answer within 48 hours please contact me at sbmedicaladmin@icloud.com and I will get back to you.
Can I get a prescription?
No – QuickDermAdvice is for guidance and information only. I would recommend treatments from my experience of treating similar conditions. These recommendations should be discussed with your local GP.
Photos must be of good quality
My aim is to always give users the best possible advice from the information I am given. If the images are blurred or out of focus then accurate assessment is not possible.
Follow up and subsequent advice
If the first response has not addressed your query then I offer one free follow up advice related to original query to make sure you are completely satisfied and derive the best value out of your consult. I assure you 100% satisfaction.
What if I have more questions/clarifications?
QuickDermAdvice offers one follow up advice related to the original query without any additional fees. If you have more than one skin related problem or if after one follow up advice, you are still not satisfied then I recommend either a face to face or remote consultation (telephone or video). Your QuickDermAdvice fee will be reimbursed if you consult me for a face to face or remote consultation within one month.
Sharing of Information with you GP
This is completely up to you. I strongly recommend sharing advice given to you via QuickDermAdvice with your GP or dermatologist.
Your privacy is valued and protected. I follow industry standard security practices and absolutely none of your personal information (email, uploads) is shared with anyone.
Will my case be stored?
Your case will be kept on record for 5 years. Some cases that are not identifiable may be used in research literature or conferences but is not sold to third parties.
Can I receive a copy of my processed case?
Yes. If you would like to receive a physical copy of your processed case, please email at sbmedicaladmin@icloud.com with your submission date and time, and I will send you a copy of my reply. The administrative fee for this service is £25.
What do I do if I am not satisfied with the service?
I am committed to providing high-quality, professional service to all of my users and appreciate your feedback. If you are not satisfied with the service, please send an email to sbmedicaladmin@icloud.com with your submission date and time and I will get in touch with you.
What is the fee for the service?
£50 per query.

Terms & Conditions
Before using this service you must confirm that you have read, understood and agree with all of the following:
- This service is not a substitute to consulting a doctor and it does not include a direct medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription.
- This service is not suitable for dermatological emergencies.
- The advice I receive is based on the information (and photographs) I provide and the advice is to be used for medical guidance only.
- I understand that advice/information I receive is not a definitive medical diagnosis or treatment plan, but rather steps that can be taken before a visit to the doctor is needed and to advise if further assessment is required or not.
- I am aware that if the photos/images I send are blurred or out of focus than accurate assessment is not possible.
- I have read and understood the frequently asked questions related to QuickDermAdvice service.
- I am aware that fee is non-refundable.