Online Dermatologist UK

Online Dermatology support and treatments

The hectic pace of modern life means many of us simply can’t find the time to book into the doctor and get niggles and issues checked out. Your health should be a priority but it can be difficult when getting an appointment with a specialist is also subject to long waiting lists. When it comes to dermatology, patients can benefit from sophisticated and efficient online consultations and treatment recommendations.

An online dermatologist can safely and accurately practice their specialist online using images and questionnaires. With the right information a dermatologist can diagnose and treat a range of different skin conditions with no need for a face-to-face appointment. Dr Yasir Mirza operates an e-Dermatology service which allows easy access to specialists in the field whenever you need them.

Why opt for Online Dermatologist UK?

Opting to have your condition assessed online is quick and convenient and ensures a rapid turnaround for diagnosis and treatment of any common skin condition.

The process is also cost effective and there is no need to take time out of your workplace or schedule to turn up for an appointment. You can access specialist advice without waiting for your turn on the waiting list and it is commonly popular with people who aren’t based near big urban area and may need to travel considerably out of their way to access the services they need. If making in-person appointments is difficult for you, then an online dermatologist may be the best option.

Affiliations and Memberships

Are all Conditions suitable for Online Dermatology?


Online dermatology is generally used for common conditions, although the online service can suggest you seek further in-person advice and treatment if necessary. Some of the common conditions you can get help with include:

  • Benign lesions
  • Lesions and moles for examination
  • Hives
  • Unknown rashes and itching
  • Common nail disorders
  • Viral warts
  • Scalp problems
  • Pigmentation problems
  • General dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Alopecia
  • Acne
  • Rosacea

Getting the most from an Online Dermatologist

Describing your problem in as much detail as possible and including clear and bright photographs is the best place to start.

This allows the specialist to get a full and transparent picture of your problem and make a fair assessment. The questionnaires provided are quite in depth to ensure all possible health issues are covered and the most accurate analysis, diagnosis and treatment can be provided.

Once the assessment is complete you may be prescribed specific treatment or you may even be able to  be booked in directly for the relevant skin surgery needed to treat your problem. In some instances, you may be required to have a further face-to-face or telephone/video consultation and this is something which you can discuss and decide individually.

The benefits of an online dermatologist are huge in the modern world and it could be a way of getting that uncomfortable skin issue treated without the hassle of waiting for an appointment or having to book unnecessary time off from your work.

It is quick and easy to start E-Dermatology on Dr Mirza’s website right here and you can fully explore the terms and conditions relating to the service too.

Book appointment

To book an appointment with Dr Mirza please contact: +441708 205 149 or

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